Your Account

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After creating your tabroom account, you can edit your profile information or link your account to a student or judge.

Account Dashboard

At any time, you can click your username/email in the upper right to get to your main account dashboard. By default, this will give you a list of options for linking your account to an entry/judge, or creating a new school to link to your account.

If you've already done that, your dashboard will instead show you a list of upcoming tournaments current ballots, or recent results.

The sidebar will also contain links to administer any institutions, tournaments, or circuits for which you are the admin:

Since you can be the administrator for more than one school/tournament/circuit at a time, you can choose which one is active by clicking the name in the sidebar. If you have more than one listed, make sure you're in the right place before making changes to a roster, tournament, etc!

Editing Your Profile

At any time while logged in, you can access your user profile by clicking the "Profile" link in the upper right portion of the page:

From there, you can update your contact info or change your password.

Live Updates & Text blasts

Cellphone Provider - Tabroom needs to know this in order to send you text message alerts of assignments & results. If you set it to the wrong provider you won't get text blasts. Set to "Landline/Do Not Text Me" if you only want email alerts. Note that some tournaments may require you have a phone number listed to register as a judge.

Adding Pronouns to Your Profile


When you add pronouns they will be sent to judges and competitors of a section/debate via text message/emails as part of round pairings. Pronouns will also appear on judges' online or printed ballots. However, they will NOT appear on the public website either to tournament/tab staff or on the public schematics/pairings/entry lists.

Please leave blank if you do not consent to adding pronouns to your profile and them being disclosed to the competitors and judges in the rounds you are competing or judging in, or anyone who might be "following" their text/email notifications.

Changing Your Password

Click the "Profile" link in the upper part of the page, then use the Change Password box on the sidebar:

Forgot Your Password

Click the "Login" link in the upper right, and click the "Forget your password?" link at the bottom:

You'll be taken to a page where you can input your email and have it email you instructions on resetting your password.

If you don't receive the password reset email, check your Spam folder.

Some things to remember:

  • Your login is tied to the username, usually an email address, you used when you first created it. If you have changed your email address, try logging in with the old email.
  • Your password is case sensitive; be sure if you capitalized anything when you created it, you do so again. However, emails are not case sensitive; upper and lower case do not matter.
  • Cookies must be enabled on your browser for to work.
  • If you no longer have access to your original email to get a reminder, or do not remember your email address, please email us at

Account Confirmation & Verification

After you create an account on tabroom it will need to be verified and confirmed. Check your inbox for a confirmation email about your account. & The Casewiki

Your Tabroom account can be used to access both and the NDCA casewiki. If your password ever stops working to allow you access to either service, click the "resync" button on your Tabroom profile and try logging in again.

Linking To A Student

As a student/competitior, in order to access your personal results and automatically receive notifications, you must first link your tabroom account to the student/entry on your school's student roster. This can be done either directly by the coach/administrator of the program, or you can request linking yourself.

You can ask your coach to link your account to your entry - more information is available in School Administration.

To request linking yourself, from your account dashboard, click "Link your account to a student" in the sidebar:

This will automatically search for any unlinked entries and show you a list of results, if any:

If you find yourself in the list, click the "Link" button to request linking to that entry. Your school coach/administrator will still need to approve your request - they will be notified of your request by email.

If no results are found automatically, you can also use the "Search" box at the bottom of the page to try a different name, different spelling, etc.

Linking to a Judge

In order to receive online ballots, tournament notifications, etc. as a judge, you must have your own Tabroom account. You then must link your account to the judge entry on your school's roster.

The coach/director of the school can do this directly on the judge roster - you can find more information in School Administration/

Or, you can request linking your account to a judge by clicking the link for "Link your account to a judge" in the sidebar:

This will automatically search for any unlinked judges and show you a list of results, if any:

If you find yourself in the list, click the "Claim judge" button to request linking to that judge. Your school coach/administrator will still need to approve your request - they will be notified of your request by email.

If no results are found automatically, you can also use the "Search" box at the bottom of the page to try a different name, different spelling, etc.

For Coaches

If one of your judges requests access it will appear like this below in your coach's dashboard when you click the judge's button. Remember to only permit access if you recognize the judge's account.

If one of your competitors requests access it will appear like this below in your coach's dashboard when you click the competitor's button

Unlinking Your Account

If you have linked your account in error, you can ask your coach/administrator to unlink you from the Student Roster. For more information, see School Administration. Or, you can email Tabroom support and ask for help.

Student Conflicts

If you're a student, you can add standing "conflicts" for judges you are constrained against. Conflicts are meant to reflect a personal or professional relationship which means it is unfair for you to be judged by the other person; such as a relative, or a former coach. Do NOT use conflicts against judges you simply do not like, or the tournament directors of tournaments you attend will likely get very angry.

After logging in, find the link for "Standing Conflicts" in the sidebar:

You can then search for a person to conflict - note that they must have a Tabroom account for standing conflicts to work:

If any results are found, just click the "Conflict" button next to their name.

Once you have added a conflict, they will appear in your "Existing Conflicts" list. To remove an existing conflict, click the red "trash can" icon next to their name.