
This tab will show competitor information for the tournament currently happening in real time. Information won’t appear on this screen until the starting time for the event.
Tournament Name – Indicates the tournament the competitor is currently attending.
Event Name – Indicates the event the competitor is participating in.
Online Spaces – Non-competition utility rooms that are created by the tournament for competitors to use for prep, questions, or help. They will be assigned a name that indicates their use.
Round – Indicates the competitor’s current or past rounds of competition.
Start – Indicates the start time and time zone of the round. The time is listed in both the competitor’s (top) and tournament’s (bottom) time zone.
Room – Indicates the location of the round. Rooms can appear as physical or virtual rooms. Physical rooms will show a name or number to indicate the location of the round. Virtual rooms will show a blue camera to indicate the virtual space where the round will take place.
Side – Indicates the side (aff, neg, pro, con, gov, opp) that the competitor will be debating in the round. In certain events or rounds, a competitor may need to flip for their side. Once the flip is determined it will appear as the correct side on this page.
Opponent – Indicates the opponent the competitor will debate in the round.
Judges – Indicates the judge for the round. The “P” before the judge’s name indicates that they have an online paradigm.
Results/Comments – Indicates the result of your round and comments left by the judge. These results/comments will only appear one the tournament enables those options.

This tab will show competitors the tournaments they are signed up to attend at future dates. Information won’t appear on this screen until you register for an event via the tournament signups function on or your advisor adds you to an event.
Tournament – Indicates future tournaments the competitor is registered to attend.
Dates – Indicates the dates the tournament will be held.
Event – Indicates the event the competitor is registered to participate in.
Info – Indicates if there is an info sheet that was attached by your adviser for this tournament.
Status – Indicates if you have been confirmed by your advisor to compete in the tournament. “Confirmed” status indicates you’re registered and have been accepted to compete at the tournament. “Waitlisted” status indicates you’re registered but are still awaiting admission into the tournament. “Declined” status indicates your coach has denied your registration for the tournament.

This tab will show competitors any tournament their advisor has made available for signup. This tab won’t appear if your advisor has not enabled student signups using
Tournament – Indicates the tournament available for signup.
Dates – Indicates the dates of the tournament.
Signup Deadline – Indicates the final date to sign up for the tournament.
Events Offered – Indicates all events offered at the tournament.
Info – Indicates if the advisor has attached a document with additional information for the tournament. If so, you should read that document prior to signing up.
Signup – Indicates the add button you should select if a competitor wants to attend the tournament. More information will be found in our “competitor signups” section below.

This tab shows you the results of all the tournaments a competitor has attended and their results. Results will only appear here once the tournament has enabled the results to be viewed publicly.
Tourn – Indicates the tournament the competitor attended that has results published.
Date – Indicates the date of the tournament the competitor attended that has results published.
Code – Indicates the code of the competitor when they were entered at the tournament.
Division – Indicates the division the competitor participated in at the tournament.
Results – Indicates results are available and by clicking the blue document you will see those results.
Results Screen

This screen indicates the result(s) of individual rounds a competitor competed in at a tournament.
Round – Indicates the round of the tournament
Start – Indicates the start time and time zone of the round. The time is listed in both the competitor’s (top) and tournament’s (bottom) time zone.
Side – Indicates the side the competitor was on in the round. If Public Forum, it will also indicate the speaking order of the team in the round.
Judges – Indicates the judge(s) of the round.
Results/Comments – Indicates a win, loss, or rank for a round. A document icon will appear if the judge left any comments for the competitors to review after the round.

This tab shows you the competitors NSDA credentials. On the right side the competitors name, # of merit points, and eligibility for districts will appear. The recycle icon allows you to update the page with the most recent data from the NSDA membership database.
Member # - Indicates the competitors NSDA membership number.
Honors & Degrees – Indicates the degree the competitor received, the date the competitor received the degree, and the program in which the degree was issued.
Standing Conflicts

This page allows competitors to enter “standing conflicts” against individuals they believe would be biased or unfairly able to judge them during competition. “Standing conflicts” are not confidential and should not be used to conflict with individuals you simply do not like as a judge. “Standing conflicts” will work automatically against any judge that has a account. Furthermore, if a judge is already entered into a tournament, the conflict may not automatically apply, and a competitor should contact the tournament directly to have them check.
Add Conflict – Can search for a judge by last name or email address, then hit search. A list of all applicable names will appear. You will select the specific judge you intended and select “conflict.”
Existing Conflicts – Lists all individuals you currently have standing conflicts against.
Parent Notifications

Parent notifications allow competitors to enter their parents email address to receive memos and messages when they sign up for a tournament or their advisor sends out manual communications to the tournament attendees.
Add parent notification for: The email address of the parent you want to add should be entered, then hit add. Do this for each parent or guardian you would like to add to your competitor account.