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The "Tabbing" menu is where you manually enter ballots and sweepstakes points, as well as keep tabs on the status of each event.

If you are using online ballots for an event, you may not use the Tabbing menu as extensively - most information, such as which rounds are still waiting on a ballot, is also available directly on the schematic.

Entering Ballots

Manual Ballot Entry

Manually entering ballots is done with the "Enter Ballots" menu option. The sidebar will show you which events have outstanding ballots and which are fully entered and ready to pair the next round:

To enter ballots, first select a judge group, timeslot, and event on the sidebar:

You will then be shown a list of ballots, sorted by judge code/name, depending on your event settings. The "Entry" tab contains outstanding ballots - once they are entered, they will appear on the "Done" tab instead. If you have "double enter" set as your ballot entry method, then ballots which have only been entered once will be shown in yellow:

To enter a ballot, click on the judge code/name. You will then be shown the ballot entry screen:

Enter the points/ranks/winner from the ballot, and click "Save Scores." If you have "double enter" turned on, you will then be prompted to give the ballot to someone else to enter again.

Important Note - Make sure to read the "Hints & Shortcuts" section below the ballot you are entering. The keyboard shortcuts to use to enter points and/or a winner depends on the point "step" you have selected in the Event settings, such as full points, half points, or tenth points. For example, with tenth points selected, you type only the last two digits - so a "28.2" should be typed as an "82." If the points you enter keep getting changed automatically to something else, it's because you're using the wrong keyboard shortcuts to enter them.

If your ballot entry method is set to "visual scan" instead of double entry, you will see a tab on the sidebar for "Audit:"

This will show you what you entered for the ballot the first time, and ask you to confirm it's correct:

To print an audit sheet or print a list of ballots still out, use the "Info" tab:

Changing A Single Round

If you need to make changes to a single round, even after the ballot has been entered, or you need to do something special like assign a double win, you can access the round by clicking on the room number/judge from the schematic and then clicking "View/Edit Results." This will show you the ballot for that round:

If you are viewing an elim round, you will see tabs for each judge on the panel - make sure you're editing the right judge's ballot:

This will let you change the result, assign byes or forfeit/no shows, and set ranks and speaker points. Note that this screen lets you forcibly save any result you want - there are no constraint checks, so by very careful that you are entering the results/points correctly.

You should also check the "Done" box next to each entry to indicate that the ballot entry is complete.

Important Note - If you are having persistent issues with making changes to a single round after results have already been entered, you can try to dump all judges from the panel (by clicking on the judge from the schematic and then choosing "Remove"), and then adding the same judge(s) back into the panel and re-entering the results. This will clear out any results you initially entered and let you start over from scratch.

Byes, Double Wins, Forfeits, etc.

From the "View/Edit Results" screen, you can assign byes, double wins, forfeits, and any other combination of wins and losses you need.

For debate events, if you assign a bye, you should NOT assign a winner in the "W" column.

When assigning a bye, you have the option of how to deal with speaker points. If you leave the speaker points blank, the entry will receive the average of their other speaker points for that round. If you enter any points, even a 0, the entry will receive the points you entered.

For scheduled byes, you also have the option to assign a "debate-wide bye" so that all competitors receive a "win" and average points.

If instead of giving an entry a bye on the ballot you want to remove them from the round and give them a scheduled bye, you can click on their entry code from the schematic. Then, use the box on the sidebar to either give that entry a bye, or to place an entry that has already been given a bye into a round:

Coachovers / Walkovers

If an elim pairing results in entries from the same school debating each other, and you don't manually "break brackets" to allow both entries to advance, then the ballot entry screen for that round will show up as a "Coachover," which will let you select which team advances. By default, it will choose the higher seed:


To view the codebreaker for a round, use the "Codebreaker" menu option, then select a timeslot from the sidebar:

This will show you a list of entries in that timeslot, along with their school codes.

Event Status

The "Status" menu option gives you a convenient central place to view the status of each event, such as how many ballots are still out, whether a round is ready to pair, etc. Each tab gives you a different overview of the events:

The main "Dashboard" tab will show you a box for each event, with how many rounds haven't started, how many ballots are still outstanding, and the status of ballot entry:

The "Started" tab lets you mark whether each round has started, so you know if you need to track down a judge or competitor. First, select a judge group and a timeslot - timeslots where all rounds have started will turn green:

Rounds which have not started will appear yellow in the left column. If you click on a round, it will turn green and move to the right column. If you are using online ballots, a judge can mark their round as started themselves - once they do so, the round will be moved to the right.

This screen can be used by people you have given "Data Entry Only" access to for the tournament, such as ballot table staff or ballot runners. So, for example, you can have a one person load up this screen on their phone and walk through the hallway, quickly marking whether each debate has started.

The "Confirmed" tab is identical to the "Started" tab - but rounds can only be marked as confirmed by the tabroom, not judges. This is useful if you want to manually confirm that each round marked as "started" was actually started.

The "Collected" tab works the same way as the "Started" and "Confirmed" tabs, but is designed for use at a ballot table, where they can mark each round as collected as soon as the ballot comes in.

The "Entered" tab lets you quickly see which ballots are still left to enter - clicking on a ballot will take you to the ballot entry screen for that round.


The "Breaks" menu option just shows you which events have ballots pending, or which are ready to move to the next round. Clicking an event on the sidebar will take you to the schematic for that event.

Entry Cards

The "Entry Cards" menu option lets you search for an entry by last name or entry code, and will then show you their results and any sweepstakes points they earned:

Entering Sweepstakes

The "Enter Sweeps" menu option is only used when entering in sweepstakes points that you calculated externally, i.e. outside of Tabroom - otherwise, you can use the built-in reports in the Results menu.

If you are manually keeping tracking of sweepstakes points, then you can upload them as a CSV, or choose an event on the sidebar to enter them: