Rules & Results

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Revision as of 15:43, 17 August 2021 by Lincoln (talk | contribs)
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Create Tiebreak Set

Settings - RR - Tiebreakers - Create.png

Advance equal entries from each section -

No shows/forfeits place last

3x Composite Ties get Middle Rank (CA)



Settings - RR - Sweepstakes- Setup.png

Name of ruleset

Entries counted across all events - This sets a cap on the total number of entries eligible for sweepstakes points. The "best" entries for each school will count up the cap, after which they will be ignored.

Entries counted per event - This sets a cap on how many entries can count towards sweepstakes in each event, which is useful if you want your sweepstakes to reflect performance across all events.

Entries counted per rule subset

Per event limit per rule subset

Number of events to count

Wildcards (entries counted beyond limits)

Multiply this ruleset's scores by

Multiply by # of students per entry

Only count novice entries - When checked, only novice entries will count towards sweepstakes.

Exclude breakout rounds

Count points by individual, not by entry/team

Count only 1 entry per individual competitor

Maximum competitors an entry counts for


Settings - RR - Sweepstakes- Scope.png

Events Counted

Event Types Counted

Rounds Excluded

Add New Rule

Settings - RR - Sweepstakes- Add Rules - Add new rule.png

Count Manually entered points entered under Tabbing → Sweeps

Each participating entry gets a minimum # of points

Each Appearance

Settings - RR - Sweepstakes- Add Rules - Add new rule - dropdown 1.png

Any Round

Settings - RR - Sweepstakes- Add Rules - Add new rule - dropdown 2.png