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To access a school's page, you select it from the dropdown menu.
School Page
General - This tab lists contact info for the coach of the school, school data and all individuals that currently has access to the school's Tabroom account.
Entries - This tab shows a list of competitors from a school, and their events, that are currently registered for a particular tournament.
Judges - This tab shows a list of judges from a school, and the events they are registered in, for a particular tournament. This tab will be red until you have entered or hired enough judges to cover your school's entries.
Money - This tab shows how much money a school owes once registered for a tournament. This tab will be red until you have paid all entry and judge fees in full.
Followers - This tab allows you to add followers to your school's tournament notifications.
Notes - This tab allows you add any notes relevant to your school related to students, judges or the tournament.
Waitlist - This tab shows you all current entries from your school that are waitlisted for the particular tournament.
Money Information
Record a Payment - Allows you to enter information for new payments that have been made for a tournament.
Amount - Allows you to enter the check amount for your outstanding balance for a tournament.
School Data
Information on a school's entry related to what NSDA chapter they are in, who entered them, who registered them and who marked them onsite.
Confirmed Onsite - Option to mark a school is onsite/confirmed registered for a tournament.
Allow unpaid online registration - Option to require fees be paid before a school can register themselves online.
Options for printing out specific elements of a school's entry. Each button takes you to a different PDF.
Required School Forms
Tracks whether a school has uploaded required forms and allows you to upload the forms manually
Option to delete an entire school's entry (in all events) from a tournament.
Add to - Selects what event to add new entries to.
New - Dropdown of students on a school's roster to enter into a given event.
Add New Student - Allows you to add a student's information if they are not previously on a school's roster.
Drop - Option to drop an entry from a tournament.
TBA Slots - Entering a number and clicking save will result in that many entries in a given event being added to the tournament, but with no student names.
Judge Categories
Judge Categories - Toggle between events to see what judges a school has entered in those events.
Rounds - How many preliminary rounds a judge is obligated for that can be adjusted up or down.
Trashcan - Drops a judge from the tournament.
Add Judge - Adds a judge to that event for a given school. Can be previously on the school's roster or not.
Burden Adjustment
Multiples a school's judge obligations by the selected percentage.
Add Judge
Allows entering a judge on a school's roster to a given event.
Information inputs to enter a judge not previously entered on a school's Tabroom roster.
Displays charges and payments that will appear on a school's invoice.
Record Payments
Allows entering new payments, their reason and their amount to a school's invoice.
Options to modify a school's invoice and produce a new copy.
Allows adjustment to certain fees for a school by the selected discount amount.
Add Charges
Allows entering new charges, their reason and their amount to a school's invoice.
Option to add emails so that they receive updates about pairings and judge assignments for a given school.
Allows you to save notes about a school's entry for future reference.