District Chair Nationals Guide

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Nationals Registration for District Chairs

This is a guide for District Chairs to post the results of their District Tournament Series as they are completed, and do district-wide registrations to Nationals. If you are a coach looking to register your school, consult the Nationals Registration page.

District Congress Legislation

Congress legislation should be uploaded by the District Chairs. Each district may submit two pieces of Congress Legislation for the national tournament. To upload Congress legislation, first log into Tabroom.com with your account. If you do not use Tabroom.com often, your account will be the same one you used to register your District Tournament series in the fall. If you forgot your password, there'll be a place to send yourself a password reset link under the pop up window where you sign in.

Then, you can access your District wide registration materials in two places on the screen you reach when you first log in. One is the NSDA tab of your member school. The other is your District name underneath the Institutions link:

Once you click there, a screen will appear with the National Tournament name and logo. Underneath that will be a space to upload Congress legislation. You may upload up to two pieces of legislation, and delete and re-upload it at any time until the deadline:

World Schools District Teams

Uploading Results from Joy of Tournaments

Skip this section if you used Tabroom.com for your District tournament.