Registering for a tournament is fairly straightforward. The general steps are:
1) Link your account to your school in Tabroom, or create a new school
2) Add students and judges to your roster
3) Join a circuit
4) Click "Register" next to the tournament, and use the Entries and Judges tabs to enter students and judges from your roster into the tournament
Before you can register for a tournament, you must have first have created/linked to a school, added students to your student roster, judges to your judge roster, and ensured your school is in the appropriate circuit. For more information on each of those steps, see the appropriate section in the manual.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a student trying to register for a tournament, you should NOT create a new school just to register yourself. Instead, ask your coach/director for access to your schools Tabroom account, and register yourself that way.
Adding Entries
Once your school has joined a circuit, your Tournaments tab will show you a list of upcoming tournaments that you can register for:

Click the "Register" button next to the tournament to get started. You can also click the red "X" next to a tournament to ignore it so it won't show up on your list. You can then choose "Show Ignored Tournaments" at the bottom if you want to add it back.
Once you click "Register," you may be asked to provide an Adult Contact for tournaments which require it. You can edit this information later on the General tab of your entry:

Next, click the Entries tab to register competitors by the entry, and then choose an Event on the sidebar. The number next to each event is the number of entries you currently have in that event.

Use the "Add Entry" box on the right to select a student(s) names, and then click "Add Entry:"

Once you have created entries, you will see them in your list, where you can edit or drop them:

Adding Entries To The Waitlist
If the tournament has a waitlist for an event, you can put students on it by using the box on the sidebar:

Waitlisted entries will then appear in your entry list, where you can edit or drop them. You will be notified by email if the tournament accepts your entries off the waitlist.

Adding Hybrids
At tournaments which allow Hybrids, you can enter them with the "Enter Hybrid Team" option in the sidebar:

Use the dropdown box to select the school you're entering a hybrid with:

Registering by Individual
For tournaments with a lot of cross entry, you may find it easier to register by individual competitor. To do so, click the Competitors tab instead of the Entries tab. Choose a name from your roster on the center of the screen beside "New Competitor.". Once you're on a competitor's individual page, select which events/divisions you want to enter them in using the "Add Entry In" menu at the top right. This screen will automatically ask you for additional details if required, such as partners for team events or piece titles where mandatory. It will forbid you from cross entries that are against tournament policy.
Once you return to the main screen, you will see a list by competitor of entries. Click the blue "edit" icon at left next to any competitor to change details, partner names or the like. Click the red trashcan icons to drop an entry.
Adding Judges
Once you have entered competitors, you can use the Judges tab to enter your judges. The sidebar will show you a list of judge groups you can enter judges in, and will appear in red if you have not entered enough judges to meet your commitment:

Choose a judge group on the right, and then use the Add Judges box in the sidebar to add a judge:

Judges will then appear in your list, where you can edit or drop them:

When adding a judge, you may be asked to provide additional details, such as how many prelim rounds they are entered for, or contact information for them:

Limiting Judge Availability
Once you have added a judge to your entry, you can notify the tournament if they will not be available for certain days/rounds. From your judge entry, click the link under the "Availability" column:

Depending on the tournament, this will let you mark a judge as unavailable for particular rounds or days - click the button in the Available column to toggle between Yes and No:

If fines apply for being under your judging obligation, you will be shown the applicable amount.
Requesting Hired Judging
If a tournament has hired judging available, you can request it from the Judges tab by filling out either the number of judges (usually for IE's) or number of rounds (usually for debate events):

Once you have made a request, it will be visible on the Judges tab, where you can reduce or delete the request if necessary:

If instead the tournament is using a "hiring exchange" where judges can offer rounds themselves, you'll see a notification that there are rounds available for hire, and you can click "Add Hire" to hire them:

For the judge you'd like to hire, fill out the number of rounds you want to hire (up to their maximum rounds available), and click Hire.

If you need to cancel a hired judging request, you can remove it by clicking the judges name in the "Your Hires" section of the sidebar.

Dropping Entries
To drop your entire entry, click the red button in the sidebar - you'll be asked to confirm first:
To drop individual entries or judges from an event, just select that event in the sidebar, and edit your entry from there.
Printing Your Registration
If you'd like a copy of your entire registration, you can use the links in the sidebar under "Printouts" - this will let you print your registration, an invoice, or export a spreadsheet with your entries:

Purchasing Concessions
Some tournaments have items available for purchase in advance, such as parking permits. If available, these will be listed on the "Concessions" tab:

For each concession, enter the quantity needed and press Save Order.
Editing Your Entry
If you need to make changes to an existing entry, you can access it again from your main account Dashboard, under "Existing Tournament Registrations:"

On-Site Check-In
Some tournaments use online "on-site registration" - where you can mark your school as having arrived at the tournament, instead of going to a physical registration location. Note that you still need to have "registered" for the tournament on tabroom in advance, within the entry deadlines. This is only for letting the tournament know that you're actually at the tournament, your registration is correct, etc. At some tournaments, you will only be able to check-in online if your registration fees have already been paid.
If the tournament is using on-site registration, you will see an option for "Confirm Onsite" next to the tournament on your account dashboard, under your "Existing tournaments registrations:"

You can also go to the "Onsite Confirmation" tab while viewing your schools' entry:
You will then be shown your current entry, including any drops, judges, etc. If you need to make changes, you will have to contact the tournament directly, since the add/drop deadline will have passed:

If (and ONLY if) everything is correct and all people listed on your entry are at the tournament, you can confirm your entry:

You will then be shown a confirmation page, and given a link to download a registration packet (with things like maps, parking directions, etc.), if available.
Requesting Housing
Rarely, a tournament will provide a limited amount of housing for competitors, usually at the homes of the hosting team or other volunteers. When available, a "Housing" tab will appear on your school's Entry. This will show you a list of your competitors, as well as their housing request status - to request housing, you must first set a gender for each student, and then click the "Request" button next to their name for each date they need housing:

Depending on the tournament, you may be approved automatically, or placed on a waitlist - when the request is approved, you will see their status change to "Yes," as well as new options to cancel the request or transfer it to another student:

If you need to transfer your request between students, click the Transfer button and make the swap:

Note that housing is usually only provided for competitors or judges who are high-school age - most tournaments which provide housing do not do so for adults.